A member of the National Association of Writers in Education.
A Taste Of Shakespeare
'The Tempest'

* Script Extracts cards (+ disk);

* Story Links cards (+ disk);

(All cards are photocopiable)

* CD of music/sound effects/rehearsal reading.

£25 + £3.50 p&p
'Telling Your Story

* Teacher Guide;

* 'The Joe Stories': seven stories about a boy called Joe, modelling how personal experience can be used as a starting-point for telling stories (and, if appropriate, for writing them);

* CD of Mike reading the seven stories;

* Story 'Detective' cards.

£30 + £3.50 p&p
The 'TYS' teacher pack
Poems For Performance 2

* 28 performance poetry cards;

(All cards are photocopiable)

* Teacher book of the poems;

(Some of the poems created with Ben,

Mike's young grandson)

* CD of the poems performed by Mike.

£25 + £3.50 p&p
The bounce of the beat .....
..... and the tapping of the feet!
Poems For Performance 1

* 14 performance poetry cards;

(All cards are photocopiable)

* 2 books of all the poems;

* CD-Rom, for interactive/white board use.

£30 + £3.50 p&p
Making the .....
... ordinary ...
... special.


£12 + p.&p.


(When Mike performs these ballads in school, the school receives a FREE pack.)

This A5 booklet with the five ballads is available separately.

 It is designed for teacher use and is not included in the pack.

£5 + p.&p.

Available individually from the packs above (all A5 format)

'Telling Your Story'


Easy-to-read teacher guide, with lots of classroom outcome examples from F-Y6.

  Leads to a written outcome or a told outcome, whichever is appropriate.


£6 + £1.50 p.&p.

'The 7 Joe Stories'


Stories modelling how personal experience can be transmuted into story. With first-person originals, plus examples from F-Y9 of the key role of self-questioning.


£8 + £2 p.&p.

'The 7 Joe Stories'


In individual book form for shared / group / personal reading by children.


£2 each + £1.50 p.&p.


£12 per set of 7 titles

Poems For Performance 1


For individual / shared / group reading, leading to performance.


£3 each + £1.50 p.&p.

Poems For Performance 2


Teacher book of

all the 28 poems, some written with Mike's five-year-old grandson, Ben.


£5 + £1.50 p.&p.

'The Joe Stories'

1) Three For 50p! 2) Just Like My Two Little Girls 3) Mind The Main Road! 4) Sad Song 5) Worth All The Mouthfuls 6) You Go Out With A Piece Of Chewing Gum! 7) The Deep End

'What a great way to teach Y5/6 how to create a simple short story, with beginning, middle and special ending.'

Y6 Teacher

A wide range of poems for children to prepare for performance - alone, in pairs, in groups, as a class ...

'These little books are ideal for the listening corner.'

Y4 Teacher

Buy Now


'Five Well-Known Fairy Tale Ballads' 


Adapted & Dramatised by Mike Smith


A teacher's classroom pack, with all the poems on A4 cards (photocopiable), plus text disk and audio disk of Mike performing the poems.


Mike Smith  - Rhythm & Rhyme  



Pump up the language!

Mike Smith


'Rhythmic Rhyming Entertainment -

With a Laugh & the Sing of a Song'